I’m not a mental health expert.
I’ve never been diagnosed with any mental health condition, though I’ve been in and out of therapy a few times in my life. Like all of you, I have a brain, and some days it’s healthier than others. This was one of those weeks where I was already feeling more anxious than usual and I couldn’t explain why.
Then the events of Saturday, July 13 happened, and the fallout sent my anxiety into a tailspin.
When trying to explain to my very attentive husband, I kept saying, “My brain’s being mean to me today.” (Hey look, it’s the title!) Like I said, I’m not an expert on mental health, and most of the time, I’m not stellar at managing my own. However, I did want to share a couple of the simple, zero-cost things I’ve been doing this week that have been immensely helpful to me. These may not work for everyone, and some people may need additional resources like therapy and/or medication, but again, I am not the person to prescribe them to you. OK, I think I’ve drawn out this disclaimer long enough.
